NTPC Family

08-03-2022 | read

Throw ball is a non-contact ball sport played across a net between two teams of nine players on a rectangular court. It is popular in India , especially on the Indian subcontinent, and was first played in India as a women's sport in Chennai during the 1940

Simhadri sports council – celebrated International Women’s day by organizing Throw ball Torment for the women employees and housewives . Around 8 teams participated in this tournament. The Tournament was quick started on 6.03.2022 at Sadhana Kreeda Maidhan by Smt Padmapriya- GM(TS) & SMT RUMA DE SHARMA HOHR.

The tournament was concluded on 08.03.2022 on the eve of international women’s day. Shri Diwaka Kusahik-CGM Simhadri, Shri G C Choukse-GM (O&M) GMs from USSC & Simhadri along with HOHR presented the shields to the winners.

On this occasion Chief Guest Shri Diwakar kaushik appreciated the Sports Council team for their hard work and interest shown in organizing the competition.

Shri G C Choukse, GM(O&M) in his address thanked the Simhadri’s Sports council and appreciated the participants showing their willingness in the competition.